Saturday, July 21, 2007

The Offspring Now Outnumber the Wives

As was once a race among the Helena Boys: How long would it take before the 2nd generation Helena Boys outnumbered the Helena Boy wives?

As the balance has now been tipped (4 second-tier RBs, 3 "I do"ed RBs), I find it appropriate to recount a few memories from when times were different.

Adam - You lived in a very small room. However, that did not stop Barry, El Spaniard and I from sneaking into your room one night while you were asleep and marking on your face with what else but a marker.

El Spaniard - You were the first (and only) Helena Boy to ever have the Aaron Carter poster on your door. You earned the requisite number of demerits first and proudly displayed a poster of an NSync's younger brother on your door like only you can...even though the poster was meant to be a punishment.

Junk - Your dog was a menace to society. He tore up blinds...he left enough fur on the ground to cover a new dog every week...he ran away...he was a bad influence on my Saintly Augustine. On another note, your bedroom was quite large and you had your own full bathroom.

Barry - You were maniacal about your bed. That did not deter the rest of us from all getting in your bed one night and waiting anxiously for you to get home from work so that we could surprise you. Maybe you held in your emotions all too well, but I was expecting much more of a comical outburst than from what you delivered. Nonetheless, you are a person.

Me - I loved the interior brick wall that we had.

Now go be fruitful...and multiply.


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