Sunday, April 08, 2007

It has been a while since anyone has posted anything; and by anyone I mean me, because I am the only one who posts to the site. So with the intro being typed, now to the point of the matter:

Worship. How much has worship become more about oneself than about God?

I was at church today and listened to the words that were being sung during the praise and worship. It was amazing to listen to how much of the songs were being sung about ourselves and only indirectly about God. God was often the object and not the subject of many lines.

"I surrender all..." "I will worship..." "I bow down..." etc. etc.

...and not that it is wrong by any means to express yourself and how you feel. But when focus is lost on God when we are attempting to worship God; well, that just doesn't seem quite right. Why do we express how we feel and what we do or do not do (do or do not do??? too many 'do's') when we are attempting to express who God is and lift up His attributes?

Next time you are worshipping God through song, listen to the words you are singing. Then decide: is the focus of the song on you? ...or is the focus of the song on God?


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