Monday, November 20, 2006

Cool Sports To Consider

There are some existing sports that could be made pretty phat-like if they were slightly tweaked.

Diving -> UnDiving
The Undiver begins underwater in a launcher of sorts. The undiver is projected out of the water and must perform flips, axles, pikes, etc. before landing on the springboard/platform. (think of the potential for hilarious disaster if Ungregg Unluganis misses his landing on the 10 Meter Platform and is sprung upwards and hits his head on the platform above him.

Scuba + Boxing = Scuba Boxing
Two Scoxers duke it out underwater. Instead of the unlikely Knock-Out, one would try to force a Black-Out. The first Scoxer to run out of oxygen loses.

...more to come....right now I have to eat.


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