Saturday, May 26, 2007


So whenever you have a birthday, you are the one that is typically celebrated and congratulated...right? But, why?

The way I see it, the mother is the one deserving of all the credit. Mom went through 9 months of that culminates in an event that I will never give you your birthday.

I mean, what has the birthday boy/girl done to deserve any congratulations or celebrations? Next time it is your birthday, call you mother...tell her congratulations....tell her thanks.


Blogger Charlie said...

Oh my goodness, Uncle Honnie! I love how you think! I told my mom on my Birthday (which was 4 days after Asher so all that was still fresh on my mind) that we should be celebrating her! And that I should be giving HER a gift! Now that I'm a mom I understand...and next year-I am giving her a gift on January 23. The girl you marry is going to be a lucky little lady!-Kirby

8:24 PM  

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