Sunday, April 08, 2007

The Hour of Lies

This post is in close relation to the previous post.

When I am singing and worshipping God, I find that I am often times lying. Ironic? Why do I lie when I am worshipping God? ...the time when presummably I should be furthest away from lying?

How many times do I sing words to a song expressing how I feel when I don't truly feel that way at that time? How many times do I sing words to a song expressing what I have done or will do when I truly haven't or won't do them?

"I bow down..." I confess, usually when I sing these words, I am not bowing down.
"I surrender all..." I confess, there is much in my life that I have not surrendered.
"In all I do, I honor you..." Bull-malarchy! Unfortunately, there is much I do that does not honor God.

Why do I lie so much when trying to worship my Father?

Yes, often times the words are conveying a general attitute or emotion. Often times it is a cry of intent. However, worshipping God should not be taken lightly, and I fear that often times I do just that.


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