Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Necessity of Extremes...The Necessity of Contrasts

I was thinking, and briefly the thought came into my head, "the way to be happy all the time is to not want anything. That way, one will never be disappointed and will never have a reason not be be happy."

Thats a bunch of bullcrap. Pretty soon, the part of my brain that actually puts together logical thoughts while I think kicked in and said, "Dude, you are an idiot."

If we never want anything, sure, we will never be disappointed. But at the same time we will never be pleased. We will never have the satisfaction of receiving something that we want. Therefore, we will never be happy. Without 'want' we would be a flatline of monotone emotion. Who wants that?

We need cravings. We need to experience sadness of not getting something so that we can more fully appreciate the happiness we have when we do get something. We need to see Satan's sinfulness so that we can more fully appreciate God's holiness. We need extremes. We need contrasts. Besides, we like contrasts and extremes.

In nature, we enjoy the beach because it is where water meets land. We enjoy looking at the horizon because it is where sky meets land. We like contrasts.

There. I said it. ...not because I needed to but because I wanted to.


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