Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Proverbial Fork In The Road

Up until now, I have never faced that daunting fork in the road which others seem to speak of. I always approached life in a manner such as, "I'll make whichever decision seems right to me and others and take whatever comes." I never found myself stressing over a decision.

Not that I am necessarily stressing a decision right now, but I have found myself standing at the fork and having a difficult time discerning which path is the better path (if there is a better path). And the crazy thing is that I knew 5 months ago there was going to be a decision that had to be made and at that time, I made my desicion. Then, all of a sudden, I find myself know being torn between the two options.

Its a crazy thing, I tell you. I feel like this is my rite of passage into the human race. Animals don't ponder things...they just do. Humans are the only idiots that stress over decisions. I guess I am finding myself graduating from the ranks of animals into humanity. Hmm?

Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Necessity of Extremes...The Necessity of Contrasts

I was thinking, and briefly the thought came into my head, "the way to be happy all the time is to not want anything. That way, one will never be disappointed and will never have a reason not be be happy."

Thats a bunch of bullcrap. Pretty soon, the part of my brain that actually puts together logical thoughts while I think kicked in and said, "Dude, you are an idiot."

If we never want anything, sure, we will never be disappointed. But at the same time we will never be pleased. We will never have the satisfaction of receiving something that we want. Therefore, we will never be happy. Without 'want' we would be a flatline of monotone emotion. Who wants that?

We need cravings. We need to experience sadness of not getting something so that we can more fully appreciate the happiness we have when we do get something. We need to see Satan's sinfulness so that we can more fully appreciate God's holiness. We need extremes. We need contrasts. Besides, we like contrasts and extremes.

In nature, we enjoy the beach because it is where water meets land. We enjoy looking at the horizon because it is where sky meets land. We like contrasts.

There. I said it. ...not because I needed to but because I wanted to.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Life Lessons Learned From Camping....Stories From The Chronicles of Old McJunk

Old McJunk decided to go camping. He drove for hours upon hours (in a truck) until he arrived at Garner State Park. He arrived there and discovered that there were no camping spots available. "Crap."
So as to not fall into a pit of despair, Old McJunk entertained himself in the state park by throwing a football, swimming in the river, and running across low-leveled areas of the river (the Frio River, that is).
Come the evening, Old McJunk decided to find a place to camp. Because all the spots in the park were booked solid for the night, he drove outside the park to find a campground. To no avail, Old McJunk was denied any good luck in the department of finding a campground.
This is where the life lesson comes from. Let me say, "A bridge is not only a route to and from something...it can also be a shelter." Yes, that is correct, a shelter.
You see, Old McJunk, being frustrated at the lack of available campsites, pulled off the highway and found a nice looking (and by nice looking I mean average looking) bridge. He parked his vehicle (still a truck) and set up his tent. That night, he enjoyed a nice evening of camping 'neath a beautiful bridge.
So you see, a bridge can be a shelter, too. Sometimes you need to use bridges to cross. Sometimes you can use bridges to be sheltered. Its your choice.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Camping Tips...by Old McJunk

Camping Tip #1....know where you are camping.
One time, a long time ago, Old McJunk went camping. It was late at night and we were desperate to set up our tent and hit the sack. So, we saw a small road that led us behind some buildings and through some trees. After a few hundred yards, the narrow road opened up into a nice clearing. Being a dark night, we were unable to see very far into the field.
So, we parked our truck and pitched our tent. Sweet dreams we thought to each other.
The next morning we heard small objects hitting the ground. The objects were not landing too closely to us, but close enough to take notice of them.
After lying awake for a few moments in the tent, Old McJunk arose and stepped outside of the tent to do what people do in the morning. To our surprise, Old McJunk saw that we had an audience a few hundred yards away. Why was there an audience, you may ask?
There was an audience because Old McJunk decided to pitch camp in a golf driving-range. Old McJunk realized that we and our tent were probably the target of a handful of golfers teeing off.
After waving, smirking, and grabbing a few golf balls, Old McJunk packed our tent and drove off.
Although everything turned out alright this time for Old McJunk, things could have been much worse...imagine if any of the golfers were decent golfers...
Camping Tip #1....know where you are camping.....or else you might be struck in the head by a golf ball in your sleep.

Monday, August 13, 2007

The True Color of Things

My objective here is to set forth the truth concerning the true color of an item.

Why do we see a particular item being a particular color? Simple, because the color we see is the ONLY color that is not absorbed by the item and is instead reflected into our precious eyes.

If I look at a red apple, the apple is absorbing all the light rays except for red ones. If red is being reflected off the apple, and therefore is not a part of the apple, then the apple cannot be red. Instead, the apple is every other color except for red.

Lets start calling things what they are. A "red" apple is not a red apple. Instead, it is an anti-red apple.